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Meet Kōura Wealth member, Joyce

Meet Kōura Wealth member, Joyce

18 Oct 2023

Some people are lucky enough to find love at first sight, others take time to find their Mr. or Mrs. Right.

The same can be with KiwiSaver. Only a few people are lucky enough to find their perfect fund on the first go, many others need to see what they don’t like before they find something they do.

This was the case with Kōura customer Joyce. While she is now happy with the customer care and the fund options offered by Kōura, she wasn’t always so happy with her KiwiSaver provider.

When she started working she was assigned a default KiwiSaver provider with one of the major banks. What started off as an okay experienced quickly soured as Joyce realised she had been plonked into a Cash Fund, and was being charged very high fees. This was not the right kind of fund for her age and risk profile, she said.

The penny dropped when she compared her fund returns with that of her husband, who was in a Growth fund and noticed a large difference in their savings returns, even though they had been invested over the same time period.

“I thought ‘what am I doing in this kind of fund?’. It was just like a savings account, but much much worse,” she said.

Then her mortgage adviser suggested she did a KiwiSaver Review with Kōura to check what kind of fund she should be in.

Joyce spoke to koūra KiwiSaver specialist Christine, who ran her through all of the recommendations for her KiwiSaver plan. Joyce was blown away, she finally saw what a healthy relationship with her KiwiSaver provider could look like.

“When Christine took me through the Kōura offering, what stood out to me was that Kōura was not content just to let their clients sit in a fund and do nothing. They had multiple options for my KiwiSaver plan, and could personalise it to my savings goals.

“I truly loved finally having options to make my KiwiSaver plan right for me,” she said.

After going through the information on the easy to use website, Joyce said she was very excited to sign up with Kōura.

“It really did check all the boxes for me. I couldn’t sign up fast enough!”

When comparing Kōura to her previous provider at a major bank, Joyce said what stood out was the “voice to voice help” from Kōura.

“As a bank customer if I needed help I had to wait, and when I got it, it felt really impersonal, like they didn’t care about me. I felt the opposite with Kōura.”

Now she has found a KiwiSaver provider that cares, Joyce is excited to see her KiwiSaver plan work for her, and to use it to achieve her financial goals.