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Top podcasts for building your financial nous in 2023 

Top podcasts for building your financial nous in 2023 

22 Dec 2022

Top podcasts for building your financial nous in 2023 

Time to listen to the experts? Pop in your earbuds or play these in your car on your way to work.  

If you have some spare time to fill – maybe during your commute, on the beach, or while tidying up the house – why not take this as an opportunity to ramp up your financial knowledge? Here are some great podcasts we love and recommend.  


NZ Everyday Investor by Darcy Ungaro 

Ready to explore your wealth-building options using both old and new tools? Then this podcast is right up your alley. Every Wednesday, you can listen to Darcy and our founder Rupert Carlyon breaking down the investment headlines of the moment, as part of the series “News of the Money World”. But there are also many more episodes that are not Kōura or KiwiSaver-related, with industry experts sharing their insights. You can find NZ Everyday Investor on Spotify and on Facebook.  


Hidden Figures 

A new entry on our list, Hidden Figures is hosted by two Māori investors talking about all things pūtea (money) and their personal finance ngā whāinga (goals). The podcast is relatively new, having started in June this year, but it has already unpacked some pretty big topics like the meaning of wealth, knowing your value, and the basics of KiwiSaver (featuring kōura’s founder Rupert Carlyon). You can listen to Hidden Figures on Apple Podcasts or Spotify


It's No Secret 

Money management often seems to be shrouded in a cloud of mystery and misconceptions. That’s why hosts Cat Emerson and Christine Jensen are here to tell you that, really, It’s No Secret. Each episode tackles a specific question, like What does it mean to create a passive income? Or Do I actually need to think about retirement in my 20s or 30s? With finance jargon out of the way, what’s left is great tips for everyday Kiwis. You can find It’s No Secret on Spotify and Apple Podcasts


Māori Millionaire – Personal Finance Podcast 

Another new entry, Māori Millionaire is produced and hosted by 19-year-old Law student Te Kahukura Boynton, who’s on a personal mission to show Māori how to achieve financial freedom. From entrepreneurship through to long-term budgeting and investing, Te Kahukura shares her whakaaro on Spotify or through her Instagram @maorimillionaire_


Cooking the Books by Frances Cook 

Many will know Frances Cook for books like Your Money, Your Future and Tales from a Financial Hot Mess, but she’s also the host of an uber-successful personal finance podcast. Down-to-earth and well-informed, Frances delivers easy-to-digest golden nuggets of information designed to encourage and inspire. You can find Cooking the Books on Spotify and iHeart Radio.  


Economy Watch 

For your daily dose of economic updates, Economy Watch by does a great job at condensing the news of the day in five-minute episodes – just what you need to get up to speed while you drink your morning coffee. You can listen to all episodes on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.  


Your Money with Mary Holm 

Most Kiwis will be familiar with Mary Holm, “the first lady of personal finance”. Mary has been around for decades as the financial voice for middle New Zealand. In her podcast, she covers off the hottest money topics as well as the basics of personal finance with a no-nonsense approach. You can find Your Money on  


Motley Fool Money 

One of only two US podcasts on this list, Motley Fool Money translates the latest business and investing news into learning experiences, with new episodes coming up daily. It’s a great way to keep informed on the US market and anything that’s happening around Wall Street and beyond. You can listen to Motley Fool Money on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and iHeart Radio


We Study Billionaires 

If you’re into timeless wisdom and actionable steps, We Study Billionaires is another great podcast from across the pond. The idea is simple: you can learn from famous billionaires and apply those lessons to your own investing journey. Listen to We Study Billionaires on


Girls That Invest 

Did you know that the number-one investing podcast for women in the US is hosted by two young women from New Zealand? Best friends Sim and Sonya are educating thousands of women across the globe on all-things money and investing, including how to get out of a ‘sticky’ money situation. You can listen to Girls That Invest on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and follow their Instagram @girlsthatinvest


OneUp Project by Sarah Kelsey 

And finally, OneUp Project is the brainchild of Sarah Kelsey, who every Monday reflects on personal growth from a different perspective. The over 150 episodes cover countless topics, including saving for specific goals and managing multiple (and sometimes conflicting) money priorities. You can find the OneUp Project on Apple Podcasts or Spotify


Disclaimer: Please note that the content provided in this article is intended as an overview and as general information only. While care is taken to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information provided is subject to continuous change and may not reflect current developments or address your situation. Before making any decisions based on the information provided in this article, please use your discretion and seek independent guidance.