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Cooking the Books podcast: How to invest through turbulent times

Cooking the Books podcast: How to invest through turbulent times

23 Jul 2020

Frances Cook talked to Rupert Carlyon from Kōura about what's happening in the markets, worrying investment trends, and how to make a smarter investment choice


 There’s a weird split at the moment for those of us watching the business news.

On the one hand, businesses and economies around the world are getting absolutely hammered by the fallout of Covid-19.

Even in New Zealand, which has far more freedom than most other countries, unemployment is expected to rise by the end of the year.

Yet when you look at the share market, it’s strangely positive.

After a screaming downward spiral in March, it’s now bounced up to almost where it was before, even though we’re far from done with this pandemic.

Now, first of all, there are reasons for this, and secondly, those reasons might impact your KiwiSaver or investing decisions.

I’m the last one to tell you not to invest in the sharemarket. In fact, I’m still investing myself, through all of this craziness.

But there are ways and ways of investing through turbulent times, and this is definitely one of those moments where knowledge is power.


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