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Facilitator Spotlight | May 2023

3 May 2023

Meet Tristan Hewett, our May facilitator of the month!

We asked him to tell us about his experience with conducting KiwiSaver reviews for his clients, what it is like working with us, and some of his favourite things about his job. See what he had to say!


Tristan Hewett - Financial Adviser at Rapson Loans and Finance


Working with Kōura:

The first thing Tristan loves about Kōura is the way kōura’s KiwiSaver specialists on board his clients in an easy and effortless way.

 “The referral process is simple and streamlined. The Kōura team is happy to follow-up with clients who are too busy to get onto things straight away. But more importantly is the value of a KiwiSaver review for your clients,” Tristan said.

As an adviser that works closely with his clients financial situation he has seen up close the real, and immediate benefits of a KiwiSaver review.

“Following a Kōura review quite often clients find their risk profile has changed, and as such means they need to change KiwiSaver funds. This result shows me that my clients are being very well looked after.”

Tristan said he would recommend working with Kōura to any adviser looking to give their clients the retirement they expect and deserve.

“kōura is a natural discussion point that shouldn’t be overlooked when conducting a review of a client’s whole financial situation.  This single discussion point can make a huge financial different when it comes to client’s retirement.”


What do you love about the job?

Tristan became a financial adviser because he wanted to work in an industry that puts people first. His goal was to own his own business with a full service offering, and grow a brand people trust, and he has certainly done this.

“I love that I can help people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get the best results for their situation. Everyday is different and rewarding in different ways.”

“Our team is growing for all the right reasons, and it means we are able to help more and more people.”


Favourite moments from your career?

In 2012, Tristan won one of 50 ANZ CEO recognition awards from >50,000 employees across the globe.

But more than personal accolades, he said his proudest moment is being able to help a client achieve something unexpected.

“Something particularly rewarding is whenever I am able to go to a lender who has declined a client and get an approval from them, that is a real win.”

When not working Tristan enjoys spending time with his family, going to the gym and playing golf.